Monday, February 21, 2011

34 Weeks!

Well, we decided to head to the beach for a lunch date just because we can!  These are the moments and days we are cherishing!!!!  It was a beautiful day.  Felt like spring, most days do around here.  The best is seeing snow on the mountains while venturing off to the beach.  Ah California!  I am just so thankful that the cold is gone and I am truly feeling the best I've felt this whole pregnancy.   
My hope is that I will soon have the nursery put together and post some pics of it.  Maybe that will be with in the next few weeks.  Still waiting on another trip to the Rose Bowl flea market.  Absolutely love that place and wish it was here every weekend.  -Lindy

He moves around like crazy!  It's like an alien.  Seriously.  I was so skeptical that I would ever feel him move in the slightest it seems like every time I look over, Lindy's belly explodes with movement!  She always grins, looks up, and says, "Wow!"  Wow indeed.  There's no other words to describe all of this.  I'm so excited to be a dad.  God is so good to us!  As I write, I just found out I booked another commercial a few minutes ago, and I'm just overwhelmed with that feeling of divine love.  I can't wait to meet him.  As I say that I'm reminded that I think of him as about 5 years old, lol.  Playing ball, fishing, fun father/son stuff.  There's a ton of poop diapers between here and there...possibly literally. -Matt


  1. Lindy! You look wonderful!! Can't wait to meet that little guy. You two are going to be such wonderful parents to him.

  2. Thats the love Im talking about! Woohoo! Lindy we must and shall meet!

  3. Kacy and I are SO excited for the adventure that awaits you in a few weeks. Koralaine will be a year old in 2 days and I can't believe how much she has changed and how fast it has flown by. You two will be such awesome parents and I hope I get to meet the little guy sometime.

