Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A busy 7 month year old!

We have one busy boy on our hands!  His first crawls were quickly followed by strong attempts to stand and walk.  He has been on the go...constantly!  Luke got to experience his first snow near Lake Arrowhead on his 7th month birthday.  What a treat! 

 Luke and I strolled down for my coffee fix the other morning and I was amazed at the leaves that had fallen in front of the library.  Maybe there are seasons in southern California!  Luke was amazed too.  He thought those leaves looked tasty.

 He has now changed from an infant to a little boy right before our eyes.  He is so expressive (where did he get that from?)  and eager to be where the action is!  By the way, he has five teeth in and two more are working their way down!